A meditation on angels

Let us open the eye of imagination. Let us see the spirit within us as a pilgrim walking the path of life. We come into life unknowing and dependent on a love that will nurture and protect us, but the time comes when this love releases us to go our own way. There have been lessons and instructions to set us on our way. The pilgrim path our spirit walks is sometimes easy, sometimes steep and hurtful.  Sometimes the spirit walks in darkness and alone. There are false trails. There are promises of love and friendships that are not fulfilled. The pilgrim spirit must learn to survive and continue. The pilgrim spirit must find an inner strength and a sense of purpose for the journey.

And sometimes on the journey the spirit is aware of the guardian angel who appears as if in a dream. The guardian angel is guide and comforter, whispers words of wisdom, points to the good path and tries to prevent the wrong path being taken. In our imagination and meditation let us embrace the presence of the angel walking alongside our spiritual selves.

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