A prayer

Eternal One, Life-Giver, Father, Mother, Companion, Lover and Friend, 

We come to you in these quiet moments, seeking that which is beyond ourselves. 

We make a sacred space; a time when we can express our hopes and our dreams…… 

For the world: We pray that we would wisely use the precious resources we have been given; that we will be diligent stewards of the earth. 

For the religions of the world: May their be understanding between religions. May we learn to worship in our own way, but to live in peace with those who worship differently. 

For the people of the world: We pray for those whose lives are marred by poverty, lack of food or water. When we hear about these things happening in countries far away, may we never forget that these are our brothers and sisters. May we work to end poverty in among the people of the world. 

For our Unitarian & Free Christian Movement: may we be rightly proud of our past achievements, but be aware that we cannot be complacent. At a time when less people feel the need to worship in traditional churches, may we be a beacon of liberal religion. 

For ourselves: We pray that we our faith will bring us strength; that our faith will give us a love for our fellow men and women. We pray that our faith will be real to us and that it will help us when we are faced with difficult times and tough decisions. 

And finally we pray for those who are ill: those loved ones of ours who need our thoughts and prayers. We name them silently in our hearts…. 

We dedicate our prayers to you God, Divine Unity and we ask these things in your many names. Amen.

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