A Samhain thanksgiving prayer for the elements

Spirit of Life, we praise and thank you for the element of Air: Great Wind, who blew our ancestors here from over the sea, bring us your inspiration, that we may know our breath is the same air breathed by our ancestors.

We praise and thank you for the element of Fire: Great Sun, who has sustained all life on Earth since it began, bring us your cleansing warmth, that we may heal the wounds of the past.

We praise and thank you for the element of Water: Great Ocean, who nurtured the first life on Earth and nourishes us all still, bring us your flowing love, that we may show compassion to each other and to all beings.

We praise and thank you for the element of Earth: Great Cradle, Shelter and Tomb, who births us all, nourishes us and receives us again, keep us grounded and help us to respect and care for you, as we become ancestors for those who will follow us.

Amen and Blessed Be.

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