An autumn prayer

Dear God,

Sometimes I wonder why the seasons need to turn.

Already there are signs that the summer is coming to an end.

At the edges of the warm summer days is a touch of cooler weather,

the lights are being switched on that bit earlier,

and the wind has already dislodged a few leaves.

Even in the summer there is a creeping reminder that darker and colder days will return.

Do we really need this reminder?

Or, are you doing us a favour – a heads up – giving us time to get used to the idea?

Not many of us like sudden changes or rude shocks.

Going from the height of summer to the depths of winter would give us no time to prepare, no time to stock up and make ready.

So maybe we would do well to give thanks for the subtle changes and gentle reminders.

Help us to look forward to the season of Autumn, with all its grand colours,

reminding us that there can be beauty and dignity, even in death.

And give us grace to cope with the sudden changes in life which we get no advanced warning of, which can catch us unprepared and leave us reeling as we try to make sense of things.

Dear God of the changing seasons, hear our prayer.


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