Come we here in gathered meeting

Suggested Tune: Abbot’s Leigh 87 87 D

Come we here in gathered meeting, ours to live with love and prayer. Here a story to all our living, come we in thought word and deed. This we share in grace of giving, searching our ways to serve the call, here we stand, in song and speaking. This the truth we have to tell.

Come we here in gathered meeting, this the place with love and grace. Hear the word and hosannas telling now the good news to all. Here a place of food and shelter. Here a place to welcome you, come in and see all that to greet you, this the home of love and truth.

Come we here in gathered meeting, site to see in nature all round, every season in crop and field every branch fruit to bear, holy food for every creature, bird or other to us known. Sun and rain moon star of blessing this our bounty of God’s grace.

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