Dear old friend

Dear old friend
I stand here lost
Your collar and lead in hand.
What do I do now?

Tears fall silently
Into the silence
Where you are not.
Where are you now?

I close my eyes
I let my body feel you
Soft against me
As you used to do.

And as the days pass
And I carefully
Put away
Your bowl, and bed.

Pass on the unused
Tins and treats
Of food
No longer needed.

My heart begins to
Remember us
The days of joy
And bliss together.

Walking the hills
And beaches
The woodlands
And the streets.

I see again your shining fur
Dancing in the sunlight
Dripping in the wet
Soft beneath my fingers.

And I know you are
Still here with me
Nestled in my heart
Laughing in my memory
Forever young and beautiful.

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