Earth spirit

A Story Telling Earth 

Great Spirit show and sow the seeds 
Help us hear the voices of the Earth 
I am listening help me hear. 

Help my hands respect your very essence 
Help my ears to hear again the lessons you have delivered to so may of us so many times 
Help my mind to discover the ones you keep buried in the eagle’s eye, the fading leaf and the seemingly ever present stone.
I am listening help me hear. 

Help me find a calmness in the storms and excavations 
Realise compassion without an overflowing call to feel everything ,that realises, then, inactions.

Oh Universe you show me freely that my greatest challenge is me;
Earth I learn from you that despite the challenge of all that is, you find mysteries revealed through your chaos of extravagant beauty. 

Awaken into the arms of the trees of generations 

This tree holds an inspiration of memory
And energy
And life
Renewing and decaying
Entwining  my mind
Holding our mystery 

This beach this setting sun
releases and recaptures
Flawlessly enraptures
A grateful heart

These stones shower our landscape
Delivering wildness as a reward
To be held in honour

And you can take a moment
Of imagination and appetite
Then nestled in an embrace of tree roots
Is a nested circle of sticks
With still glistening new leaves
Sheltering somehow last autumn’s beech nut casings.

Precious moments these
Of All That Is.

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