Finding my space

A winning entry for the Dorothy Archer Prize, 2022

Whilst acknowledging the turmoil and uncertainty of my life, I pray, also, to resolve and improve my situation. I have choices: I can walk, trusting that the natural rhythm achieved will bring relaxation from tension; I can listen to favourite music, hoping to create inner peace; I can sit quietly, meditating towards a state of complete tranquillity.

The being I call God resides deep within my heart, loving and nurturing me, out of immense concern for my spirit’s well-being. I feel myself gently directed towards peace and serenity, to connect with them both.

Let us all reach into the depths of our being, where we can hear and respond to a “still, small voice”, which speaks so meaningfully to us.

This is my prayer: may it extend to all who feel a longing to calm their minds and allow their souls true freedom.


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