For the waters of the earth

Genesis 1: 2; Psalm 104: 25; Psalm 107: 23–24

O God, whose Spirit moved upon the face of the primeval deep;
whose works and wonders are seen by those who go down to the sea in ships;
whose ocean bounty is gathered with skill and hope and courage,
as it was by the first disciples;
we come before you in thanksgiving for the living waters of the Earth.

Grant us wisdom to care for her seas and oceans, her lakes and rivers,
keeping them clean and conserving the life with which you filled them.
Turn us from the greed and folly that leaves them dead and empty.

Stir within us compassion for all who make their honest living from
the waters, risking the wrath of storm and tempest.
Teach us reverence for the myriad creatures that swim and creep and
play there in glorious variety.

So may the waters’ harvest be sustained as long as Earth shall last,
and may we share it fairly, humbly, and always with thanksgiving.
This we ask in the spirit of Jesus, for whom the waters were a pathway.


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