God is in your nostrils

God is spirit.
God is light.
God is in your nostrils.

God is sun.
God is nature.
God is up there,
and down here.
God is gracious.
God is merciful.
God is in every breath you breathe in and breathe out.

God is fire.
God is mighty.
God is the strength in your heart,
and your help in times of trouble.
God is truth.
God is good.
God sits delicately on the end of your tongue.

God is salvation.
God is refuge.
God calls us to bring good news to the oppressed,
to comfort and heal the broken-hearted,
and proclaim liberty to prisoners.
God is within.
God is great.
God is on your lips, with every word and every kiss.

God is one.
God is peace.
God is a righteous judge, railing against injustice,
with you in all that you do, and wherever you go.
God is your shield.
God is love.

God is nowhere,
and everywhere.
God is in your breath, and on the tip of your tongue.
God is on your lips, and in your heart.
God is in your nostrils.

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