
When it comes to love, Grandparents know best. They love their grandchildren without condition. They love them for who they are nothing more, nothing less. If the grandchildren aren’t doing very well at school or not happy in work or relationship, they are still loved unconditionally. Grandparents are proud of the triumphs and successes. They carry photographs with them show to everyone. Grandparent have the wisdom that comes from experience. What the grandchildren do with that love and wisdom is another matter but deep in their hearts they will feel it.

Parents love their children with responsibility. Parents nurture and guide their children to survive and succeed in this world. It is important that the children learn.    It is important that the children have opportunities to develop their talents and skills. Sometimes there is tough love but it has a purpose.

Beneath that responsibility is a deep love and an eternal bond.

In one of the readings we sometimes use in a naming ceremony it talks about  love and the influence of parents as role models. Growing children copy and learn the good habits, and can pick up the bad ones too. The child will one day grow up and discover love, and the love they share will be based on the experience and lessons they have received within their family.

Love for the world that goes beyond family is a foundation stone for peace and personal happiness

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