I am a Unitarian

For me, Unitarianism is a form of religion and a philosophy.

More than this, it is a pathway – a way of life.

There are ways to be a Unitarian presence in this world, and ways to live Unitarianly.

As a Unitarian I can’t just believe whatever I want, but whatever I can and must.

My Unitarianism causes me to question my beliefs often, to seek after truth, and to be open to new insight – both human and divine.

Unitarianism teaches me that ‘revelation is not sealed’ – that God did not speak just through one book and one person, but that more light and truth can break forth anywhere and at anytime where hearts are truly open.

In my Unitarian way of being religious, faith and scepticism join hands and coexist quite happily.

When it comes to religion, I can say that something seems true to me – when it resonates in my heart and mind – but I cannot claim to have the monopoly on religious truth.

Life, love, God, mystery, awe, wonder are all things to be explored rather than labelled and copyrighted.

My own Unitarian journey links me with the liberal Christian tradition, where Jesus is my teacher and example.

I hear his words ‘God is one’ come echoing down the centuries, and those commandments that he said were the greatest:

That we should love God, love others, love ourselves.

Being a Unitarian has helped me do those things – even learning to love myself, which was the most difficult part.

I no longer feel guilty about who I am, what I am, and what I can’t believe.

For the first time in my life I was able to say, like Jesus, that God ‘and I are one’.

And this oneness with God, and with humanity, causes me to seek after justice, to value diversity, and to try to make ethical decisions.

I’ve still got some way to go, even after all these years, but I keep trying.

Unitarianism does have its own rich history and theology, but our welcome is wide when it comes to different beliefs.

Worship is important to Unitarians.

I can worship on my own (and I do), but my life is enriched when I worship with others.

Our churches, chapels and fellowships are places where beloved community can be found:

Where we can worship, socialise, discuss, and just be together.

The person sitting next to me might not belief exactly the same as me, but when I am with other Unitarians I know that I am with kindred spirits.

When I became a Unitarian I found the thing I didn’t even know I was looking for.

It was the piece of the jigsaw I didn’t even know was missing.

It changed my life… and that’s why I dedicate myself to sharing it.

Don’t worry, Unitarians aren’t into ‘converting’ people.

I can’t promise you a ticket to heaven if you join us, or threaten you with hell if you don’t.

But I share it because, having found such an amazing blessing, it would be selfish just to keep it to myself.

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