“English” language resources
Blood of Christ: For Good Friday
“Our illuminator, Jesus, came down…
And he bore a crown of thorns. And
he put on a purple garment. And he
was crucified on a tree…”
– ‘The Letter of Peter to Philip’, 2nd/3rd century.
Blood of Christ,
shed for everyone.
Blood of Christ,
blood like ours, blood like everyone’s.
Blood of Christ,
blood of the
Chalice lighting for an animal service
We light this chalice thinking of the Spark of Life which infuses all creation.
From the smallest bacterium to the greatest whale, through the myriad shapes and sizes,
We recognise the Life-Force sustaining all,
And we give thanks that we are able to share it.
Chalice lighting
When you celebrate, celebrate well, but remember
that nearby someone is grieving; and when you grieve,
grieve well, but remember that nearby someone is celebrating.
Therefore, as we gather here in this special place, we mark both grief and celebration. For absent friends, and for those whose company we enjoy right now, we light this chalice.
The first paragraph was a
As we gather in this springtime of marbles and piracies,
hop-scotch and jump-rope, we look forward to the coming
summer – the lengthening of the days, and the warmth of promise.
But we remember also the winter just gone, and the seeming
barrenness of the sleeping earth, and we think too of the seasons
and faces
Friends, draw close
Friends, draw close,
And let no one be a stranger
under the roof of this place
where we gather in fellowship,
in friendship,
in joy and in sorrow,
and with love.
Sharing time and sharing thoughts
sharing quietude
(and sharing too in the happy noise of Hymn number …)
Adapted from words of Keith Gilley
May the love of God
May the love of God surround us,
May the peace of God assure us,
And may the blessing of God rest with us
Until we gather here again.
May we take with us
May we take with us some of the joy of this gathering…..
May we go forward with hope…..
May we live rightly, in peace with one another….
And may we know the blessing of God until we gather here again.
Think of a time when you were lost
A time as a child when you wandered away from your parents
When you took the wrong turn and your surroundings were no longer familiar
Or when you were in a wilderness without a well worn path
Or in a deep dense fog without a horizon or