“English” language resources
Chalice lighting for Samhain / All Souls
Many before us have sought the light of understanding
Heretics, witches, lovers of freedom
This chalice symbolises the communion of Jan Hus
and the lamp upon the altars of ancient Greece.
This flame represents the light of hope
kindled by the dreamers and visionaries of the past
which we must carry into the future.
Closing words
We have always believed – and we are right to do so – that we are free to make choices; and even if that belief is not absolutely correct and the freedom is limited, we have to go with it, because otherwise how could we influence society in the ways it needs to be influenced.
Opening words
We have made many decisions that have brought us finally to worship in this place. May our worship here continually increase our understanding of ourselves; and give us confidence that we can improve our lives and those of others by our behaviour.
Spirit of truth and life and love In our prayers and meditations today let
Chalice lighting
We light this chalice as a symbol of our movement. Its flickering light symbolises our questions and our doubts. Its steady light our tentative personal answers. Its burning presence our love and fellowship.
Vestry prayer
Divine spirit, be with us in this hour of worship,
that as we sing, listen, and pray,
we may know that we are in the presence of
light and love. Amen.
This prayer can be amended to include musicians by changing the word “pray” to “play”
Chalice lighting and welcome
Let this be a light of welcome, of hope and of joy.
You may have had a busy day-you are here
You may have had a quiet day-you are here
You may have had a difficult week-you are here
You may have faced challenges-you are here
You are here, bring joy or sadness.
Be calm in this moment.
May you find the
Candles for sorrows and celebration
I invite you to join in a time for prayerful reflection together.
We have two candles which will be lit from our single chalice flame.
We will use the first candle to reflect on the sorrows of a troubled world.
I’ll ask (………name member of congregation) to come forward to light this candle from the
Gathering words
We gather together and, in lighting our chalice, we witness a flame of hope.
Whatever has been our personal pathway here today and where ever it takes us afterwards, whatever our beliefs, religious heritage, faith, certainty and doubt: we are all sisters and brothers in common humanity.
We join in this community seeking the best way