“English” language resources
The Word
‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’
(John’s Gospel, 1: 1)
God is the Word
for the beginning
for what began the beginning
for what was at the beginning
and what has been beginning ever since.
God is the Word
for what is
and why it is
Being a prayer
Deep within there is a wholeness
Travelling by sound
May your wings never fear any darkness
May you simply be.
All around there are fractures
Healed by the ground
May your feet walk through each fissure
May you simply be.
The hand to the trunk of the sage of branches
An eye to the sky
Blessing of our senses
May I see the world though another’s window
May I hear the voices I often care to ignore
May I smell the ever present, both the dangers and the joys
May I taste the zest of life of every heart I have met , and every one I have yet to meet
May I touch
Arrival – a meditative prayer
Please relax
We are entering states of arrival.
You are invited to imagine
The exciting arrival of the new born
The stepping off the plane on holiday
The unexpected rainbow.
That moment that friendship becomes friendship
And yes unsettling states of arrival
The uniformed one stepping onto another nation’s land
Aspects of God
God of our inmost selves
and of the stars from which we came;
who is both the core of our being
and the transcendent mystery;
of whom there is no need of proof,
because we are here to ask the question;
to whom all true religion points, but whom no religion can ever truly comprehend;
who is the truth
The ever opening heart
Thank you great mystery
For relationship
Thank you planet
For touching the mystery with me
Thank you
You and you all of you
For waking in the mystery too
An ever opening heart
Every day a new start
Supreme Love inspire
This chasm this vision
Taller deeper wider
In this Great Mystery
May we always
Partakers of the divine
‘…whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature.’
(II Peter 1: 4)
We are products and partakers of the Divine,
whether we like it or not,
as are all things that live, all things that exist.
With our minds we explore the mystery that
Five stones – a resource for communal prayer
An interactive alternative to Candles of Joys and Concerns using pebbles as touchstones for prayers. Developed by Jo James at Mill Hill Chapel in lockdown 2020
It can be helpful to invite participants to contribute actual stones, sea pebbles & touchstones are ideal, to hold. At Mill Hill we invite people to drop stones into the