“English” language resources
Another light
We kindle our chalice flame.
By its light we meet each other
face to face.
In each other’s faces
may we sense another light,
the one divine Light
that glows within us all.
In the darkness of grief
In the world’s grief and darkness
we keep a flame burning –
the flame of hope, the flame of truth,
the flame that warms the heart with loving kindness.
Sacred fire
We kindle the sacred fire
as we gather in community,
mindful of the brave souls and
questing, independent minds
whose courage won our freedom.
Heritage of light
We light our chalice
to celebrate our heritage of light:
the light of science and of art;
the light of story and of poem;
the light of nature and of reason;
the inner light of spirit and of truth.
Divine unity
Out of the Divine Unity we came.
In the Divine Unity we live and move
and have our being.
To the Divine Unity we will return.
There are no beginnings and no endings,
save those we impose to cope with eternity.
There is no knowledge of the Great Mystery,
save the precious fragments we are given
Let us pray:
I ask you to think of somebody who has been special in your Life.
This person might be
You could even choose somebody
Think now about why you have chosen this person. Is it
Whatever the reason hold that thought in your heart for a moment.
Remember that person in your heart with a smile of your own
Prayer for peace
O Divine Spirit. Help us to accept that none of us is perfect, that we all can make mistakes.
Help us to see that when we get angry or push for our own rights we may be hurting others.
Help all people to see the good in others and to recognise that we are all human beings.
May the peace of God which passeth all understanding keep our hearts and minds strong and comforted in our restlessness and confusion, and fill us with love.