Late autumn meditation

Autumn falls into winter,
its beauty drifting down
to be a carpet for the drowsy earth.

It is a time of remembrance –
for all saints and all souls,
for all the dead of war,
and for all the dead of peace.

It is a time to remember those once close to us
who have lived their lives
and then surrendered them
to the Great Mystery whence they came.

It is a time to remember the friends
we never see, the lovers we have lost,
the unforgotten who blessed our lives
with theirs, then faded into memory.

And as November weeks pass into December,
shopping-streets begin to gleam and glitter,
and twinkling trees appear in front-room windows,
town-hall squares.

And Advent comes, then Christmas,
and perhaps we will remember then
the coming of the Christ-child.

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