Living and dying

You are invited to join in with the words of this responsive reading in bold.

Spirit of Life, God of All Love, help us to face our human predicament,
and come to terms with the knowledge that our lives will end someday.

To deny death is to deny life; may we live honestly, courageously, and wholeheartedly, knowing that death will be our life’s completion.

Grant us awareness that our time is limited, though its span is not yet known, that
we may make the most of each moment and relish life’s journey to the very end.

We do not know for certain what lies beyond the threshold of life and death;
may we come to accept this mystery, and appreciate the here and now.

Encourage us to prepare ourselves – practically, emotionally, and spiritually –that we might be more ready to meet death, whenever it comes for us.

This is the time for us to put things right and deal with unfinished business; may we make the most of the time we have left, living wisely and well.

Awaken in us a love of righteousness; call our hearts to truth and beauty. 
Remind us of what matters most, so that we do not fritter our time away.

Each day is a fresh chance to love and be loved; may we reach out to others,
building loving connections, bringing compassion and kindness wherever we go.

Help us to be good companions to others as they move towards the end of life,
offering our presence and attention, and showing up for each other as best we can.

It is said that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’; may we also be the ‘village’ that
surrounds each soul on their dying journey, and cares for their caregivers too.

Spirit of Life, God of All Love, bless us in our living and in our dying.
Grant us the courage and clear vision we need to embrace reality.

This is our human condition; these are the days we are given;
may we use them in the service of love, justice, and peace.


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