Love of ages

The classic hymn ‘Rock of Ages’ draws heavily on Calvinist ideas about the atonement, the cross and original sin, all areas where Unitarians have differed from Calvinism. Here, its words are adapted to a more Unitarian perspective by Francis Elliot -Wright.

Love of Ages, meant for me,
Let me find myself in Thee;
Even in your hour of death
You forgave with dying breath
Love immortal must endure
Sin dissolves in mercy’s power

Not the labours of my hands
Can fulfil thy law’s demands;
Far from perfect, I may be
He still loves me perfectly
For our sins we don’t atone
God redeems us on his own

Nothing in my hands I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling;
Though they nailed you to a tree
You still loved your enemies
Perfect love that cast out fear
Live in me, my saviour dear

While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eyes shall close in death,
Should I soar to worlds unknown,
Come before Thy judgement throne,
Love of Ages, set me free,
Let me find Thyself in me .

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