Ours is a caravan

Tune: O Waly Waly

Ours is a caravan of hope
For, travelling through a landscape bare,
We, in our thoughts and dreams, have scope
To find a sweet oasis there.

Ours is a caravan of peace,
For even in the jungle wild,
We’ve space to let our struggles cease
And rest as gentle as a child.

Ours is a caravan of joy,
For even in the desert still,
Each man and woman, girl and boy,
Can laugh and sing and dance their fill.

Ours is a caravan of love,
For even in night’s deepest dark
The sky is graced with stars above,
And we are lit by friendship’s spark.

Ours is a caravan of life.
We leave behind us dull despair,
For when we set aside our strife,
Then hope, peace, joy and love are there.

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