Outside the gates of Eden

Blow trumpet, for the world is white with May;
Blow trumpet, the long night hath roll’d away!
Blow thro’ the living world – “Let the King reign.”

– ‘Idylls of the King’, Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Tune: St Fulbert

This is a land where ancient kings
and queens have ruled and reigned,
we are a folk whose story tells
of rights and freedoms gained.
For those who won them we give thanks
and pay the homage due,
pledging ourselves to stand for right
as loving neighbours true.
May all who rule be servants too,
blessed with humility,
and let us all walk paths of peace,
reflect divinity.
Beliefs and faiths of many kinds
sustain us in these isles,
let’s live together free from fear
sharing our high ideals.
A kingdom with a humble king,
a people loving, free,
this is the vision Jesus gave,
help us to let it be.

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