Prayer based on Walk Whitman’s ‘Leaves of Grass’

May the soul sing the song of life to the God in our hearts, in pleasant exploration.
Let us not dally with the mystery of God but simply look around us as we travel the meandering road…  
See God in everything.

Let us be pleased with our souls, whether sailing on the seas or on the hills, or waking in the night with thoughts, silent thoughts of time and space and death, like waters flowing.   

Bear us through the regions infinite, whose air we breathe.     
Let us feel God wherever the heart is stirred by beauty or by the loving kindness from our brother or sister.   

Let us give of god actively to them. 
Let the soul be open to the love of brotherhood and sisterhood.    
When we travel forward look at the horizon and beyond the horizon into the universal soul and let us rejoice in life and the echo that returns..

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