Spark of the divine, a meditation

I invite you to take one breath for the earth beneath our feet, one for the sky above us, and one for the sea that surrounds us.  Be aware of your body, and release any tension in your feet … legs … belly … chest … arms … neck … and head. Now look within yourself – what images arise?  … [pause] …The body contains darkness – the velvet darkness of the flesh, the nourishing darkness of the earth.  The body contains water – water that answers to the call of the Moon, water that nourishes life.  The body contains earth – the chalk-white bones that hold us up.  The body contains air – the air that we breathe.  The body contains fire – the spark of life, the warmth of the flesh, the pulse of the blood.  And the body contains light – the spark of the Divine in every heart, the light of reason in every mind.  The body holds our memories – memories of happiness and sadness, memories that make us who we are.  The body gives rise to our dreams – dreams of freedom and peace, dreams of love and passion.  The body holds our spirit, our consciousness, our inner life.  The body fixes us in time and place, allowing us to experience the present moment in all its fullness.  Let us be present now – present to our bodies, present to each other, present to this precious moment.  [long pause] Let us be present now. 

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