The divine embrace, viewed through a window

Written following worship by Julio Torres – Beloved Community in the Divine Empathetic Embrace and a meditation while Peter Flower played ‘Spring’ by Vivaldi on the piano. The rain was steadily and silently falling on the trees outside.

The Fingers of the Fir.
Evergreen, save the touches of
Injury from her long life, waved.
Moved, conducting her own music.
As a gentle misted rain fell.
In silence
On the fir.
Resplendent in her greening fir-ness.
And also on the ash
Beside her.
Whose yet naked arms bore the dark spheres
Of flowers still to break out.
And then again on the unnamed but not unknown
Bare-branched tree next to her.
Who bore last year’s black, dead, seeds.
Her long fingers intertwined
With the Ash
Whose long fingers entwined.
With the fir.
All held in the sacred
Space of Empathy
That holds the interconnected web of
The Beloved Community.
All of us.
Held. In the touch
Of the Divine Embrace.

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