Theme “Community”
Spirits uplifted
May we leave our time together
with spirits uplifted
and hearts enlivened,
renewed in our quest for peace and justice,
ready to face whatever comes our way
with trust in the steadfast love of the Eternal.
Advent chalice lighting
We light our chalice candle as a symbol of hope, peace, joy, and love.
The light reminds us that love is the greatest power in the world,
the love we share and bless each other with,
here in our beloved community;
the love we take out into the world,
bearing and sharing the light,
Many paths one welcome*
Welcome to this table,
Whatever path has brought you here,
Whatever load you carry,
Let us rest a while together.
May our hearts be open to accept what comes to us as a stranger,
May our minds be open to wonder at what we do not understand,
And may our spirits be nourished by our
Working with difficult people
A true story…
A few years ago I was going on a weekend course to learn more about ‘team work’. When I got the list of attendees a few days prior to attending, my heart sank. There was one person on the list whom I really found difficult. I had to admit that I didn’’t
Friends, draw close
Friends, draw close,
And let no one be a stranger
under the roof of this place
where we gather in fellowship,
in friendship,
in joy and in sorrow,
and with love.
Sharing time and sharing thoughts
sharing quietude
(and sharing too in the happy noise of Hymn number …)
Adapted from words of Keith Gilley
Chalice lighting
As we light the chalice,
We see the flame rise up,
held in the bowl of the chalice.
Just so our spirits yearn for the Divine
Held in the circle of community.
Chalice lighting
We gather here within these walls
Hallowed by the community
that has gathered here over the centuries.
Countless hands have tended the flame of fellowship
and countless more will keep the light burning. As we light the chalice flame today
Let us not hide our light under a bushel
but be a beacon of hope
Closing blessing
May our inner life be nourished by our community.
And may our community be strengthened
by each person’s unique gifts.
May we honour the diversity of our spiritual journeys,
And help each other on the path.