Theme “Freedom”
Blessing of freedom
May you know freedom
Freedom born of complete trust in God
May you know freedom
Freedom born of difficulties faced and conquered
May you know freedom
Freedom born of full knowing of God’s love for you
May you know freedom
Rivington chalice words
These are Chalice Words that I wrote a long time ago and they are an attempt to encapsulate the joy of being Unitarian, they are easily adjusted to suit an occasion.
We light our chalice flame, it is our Unitarian symbol of Freedom, Hope and Love. Freedom to express our many and varied beliefs and ways
Love of ages
The classic hymn ‘Rock of Ages’ draws heavily on Calvinist ideas about the atonement, the cross and original sin, all areas where Unitarians have differed from Calvinism. Here, its words are adapted to a more Unitarian perspective by Francis Elliot -Wright.
Love of Ages, meant for me,
Let me find myself in Thee;
Closing words
We have always believed – and we are right to do so – that we are free to make choices; and even if that belief is not absolutely correct and the freedom is limited, we have to go with it, because otherwise how could we influence society in the ways it needs to be influenced.
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall
We see barriers erected between people of different lands.
We see sheets of steel and towers of concrete called ‘Protection’.
We see boundaries policed.
Watch men, women and children running from hunger and persecution,
looking for a gap in the wall………
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall…………
We see walls of fear
With your spirit, guide the efforts of humankind to bring peace and justice to the nations of the earth, and give strength to rulers and all who work to establish peace and justice in the world.
Prosper the activities of those who work to preserve human rights.
Promote the endeavours of all who work for
Chalice lighting
May the light we now kindle,
Inspire us to use our powers.
To heal and not to harm.
To help and not to hinder.
To bless and not to curse.
To uphold the Spirit of Freedom!