Theme “Hope”
May we take with us
May we take with us some of the joy of this gathering…..
May we go forward with hope…..
May we live rightly, in peace with one another….
And may we know the blessing of God until we gather here again.
Chalice lighting
As we light the chalice,
We see the flame rise up,
held in the bowl of the chalice.
Just so our spirits yearn for the Divine
Held in the circle of community.
Chalice lighting
We gather here within these walls
Hallowed by the community
that has gathered here over the centuries.
Countless hands have tended the flame of fellowship
and countless more will keep the light burning. As we light the chalice flame today
Let us not hide our light under a bushel
but be a beacon of hope
Chalice lighting and welcome
Let this be a light of welcome, of hope and of joy.
You may have had a busy day-you are here
You may have had a quiet day-you are here
You may have had a difficult week-you are here
You may have faced challenges-you are here
You are here, bring joy or sadness.
Be calm in this moment.
May you find the
Gathering words
We gather together and, in lighting our chalice, we witness a flame of hope.
Whatever has been our personal pathway here today and where ever it takes us afterwards, whatever our beliefs, religious heritage, faith, certainty and doubt: we are all sisters and brothers in common humanity.
We join in this community seeking the best way
When the world hurts, a prayer
This originally appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8041
Let us join together in a time of prayer and reflection.
Let us turn our minds and our hearts to that which is, for us, sacred, and let us draw ourselves into the
presence of that spirit which some of us call God.
And let us
Morning prayer
We are here to approach
the authentic,
the substantial
and the truthful,
to follow our inner calling,
to invoke our deepest selves
and more than this:
we are here to encounter the divine
in ourselves,
the sacred in one another
and to find connection with
the holy in all things.
May we be calm,