Theme “Light”
There is but one good vision
Tune: Thornbury
There is but one good vision,
That age to age remains,
It has been there through all time
Though often one may doubt,
That vision that unites us
Is showing love around
To others on our journey
By word and deed and thought.
To find those lost in darkness,
And share with them our light.
Imbolc blessing
May the ashes of all our fires replenish
May the snowdrops inspire our presence
May the soils sense the poetry that we all are
May fire hold and heal our community
May we walk our path with the knowledge of light
May we open willing and forever unafraid.
The clarity of winter
The Old Year and its turning is behind you.
In the spareness and clarity of winter,
see the promise of a New Year.
Sense the possibilities forming within you,
feel the silent stirring of life beneath your feet.
The nights are still long, but they’re getting shorter.
The days are still dark, but they’re getting lighter.
Inner dancing
Luxuriating Light
Flashes and Sparkles
Dancing to Joy
As the Double Base
Of the Dantien
Steadies the Beat,
Grounding the Rhythm
Of His excited Apsaras,
Catching vibrations as they twirl –
No effort to their Grace.
The cold floorboards
Compliment the Heat of the Dance
In the Open Hallway of my Mind.
Heart-flames caress my cheek
Reminding me,
“I’m Here” –
No distance to
Dance with my Unveiled Self
Who tunes her
Follow the flame
Remember the flame that guides
The journeys of our lives;
Illuminates each hour and precious day.
Its radiance we need, we’ll follow its lead –
For love will guide us and show us the way.
Remember the reasons why
We’ll never choose to walk by;
But stand for what is right and just and true.
The chalice, the flame
You are the flame of the chalice. You dare to be seen, to flicker and dance your beautiful, vulnerable, dance. You have come alive to the possibility of the world. Your warmth embraces those around you. Your light illuminates our sacred purpose.
You are the flame in the chalice. You burn brightly because you are safe
Shared candle lighting
To the quiet beauty of this place, we have come, from many places and with many thoughts.
I invite you now, if you wish, to come forward and light a peaceful candle:
Either in silence or with just a few words to share a joy or a sorrow which you have brought with you this morning.
Chalice lighting
The flame consumes the wick,
Constantly changing and dancing,
Sharing its radiance with us.
So may our souls be aflame with divine love,
Sharing our radiance with others.