Theme “MidSummer”
Solstice blessings
May this moment hold you in gratitude
May your breath be an expression of thanks
May the risen sun be a guidance
May a togetherness take root as the core of your being
May a lovingness be everything you are finally seeing
May Solstice Blessings be the forever opening heart we are all invited to be.
Summer is a joyous time
Summer is a joyous time.
The promise of spring has been fulfilled in the lengthened days and the warmth of the sun.
In this time of happiness, it is good to think of the past winter, and to remember the broken saplings and the trodden flowers – plants, animals, people who have been taken from us, always too early. We think
Chalice lighting for Midsummer
The light is at the height of its power
The Sun shines fiercely.
But now that power must wane
Descending into the darkness
to be reborn.
Light and darkness dance
in the crucible of desire
and bring forth life.
So we light the chalice flame
to represent life, hope, love and laughter.