Theme “Spring”
A Springtime blessing
May we be blessed by the fertile Earth,
our foundation and bedrock,
with gratitude.
May we be blessed by the spring rains
and the glistening dew,
quenching our thirst for freedom and beauty.
May we be blessed by the shining Sun
and the growing light, renewing and revealing all as it truly is.
May we be blessed by
Prayer for St Brigit’s Day – 1st February
Context: Legend tells us Brigit asked the authorities for land to build a sacred space for God, and was told that she could have as much as her cloak would cover. She spread forth her cloak in faith. The cloak expanded, spilling outward to cover all the acres of land she needed to establish her
As we gather in this springtime of marbles and piracies,
hop-scotch and jump-rope, we look forward to the coming
summer – the lengthening of the days, and the warmth of promise.
But we remember also the winter just gone, and the seeming
barrenness of the sleeping earth, and we think too of the seasons
and faces
Beltane garden
May morning sun blesses the day
While I walk amongst the garden blooms
Admiring the Mother’s handiwork
Woven on dear nature’s loom.
Trees standing tall, branches outstretched,
Limber arms reaching towards the sky,
Leaves of olive, emerald and mauve –
Quiv’ring with the song of life.
Long-stemmed bell flowers, cupped flowers
And broad clusters of
Chalice lighting for Holi
The many colours of the spring
Are splashed exuberantly over the land
And so people splash colour in imitation of nature.
May all the colours of the rainbow
Be contained in our chalice flame.
Chalice lighting for the Spring Equinox
Day and night are equal now
But day has the upper hand.
In the endless dance of dark and light
And the turning of the Wheel of the Year
A moment’s pause at the equinox
to reflect on the glory of the dance.
As we light our chalice flame,
It recalls the fire of the
Chalice lighting for Imbolc/ Candlemas
A crown of lights
For the gentle healer
A crown of lights
For the inspired poet
A crown of lights
For the smith of dreams
A crown of lights
For the midwife of Ireland
And the chalice of life
For her wisdom.
We have many springs
We see the promise of Spring even in November. Spring, from
That promise is given to us more clearly in January.
And we see it in February, at Imbolc in the beginning, and in the middle,
when the geese arrive back on the lake.
In early March, the news tells us we are in