Theme “Truth”
Welcome all the truth
As Unitarians we are people seeking
Truth, meaning, love and deep connection
As we seek to discern our path
May we follow the guidance of our hearts
May our hearts be open to unexpected truths
May our chalice flame remind us
To welcome all the truth of our lives
To welcome each other
Into the
I grew up in the Anglican Church, but the ‘sin and salvation’ side of Christianity never resonated with me. At school I became fascinated by the different approaches of world religions to ‘the big questions’ and decided to study Theology and Religious Studies at university. The more I studied world religions, the more I understood
Morning prayer
Beloved, I thank you for the gift of this day.
May I give freely from my heart,
Living with a deep and abiding joy.
As I move through the day
May I know truth,
Move in beauty,
Rest in grace,
And trust in Your steadfast love.
These are the times – a meditation on truth
` Beauty is truth, truth beauty,- that is is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.`
John Keats (1820) from Ode on a Grecian Urn
Truth is unblemished and clean,
like a snowdrop piercing the hard earth,
or a slender branch or leaf,
or a curlew`s call across the dark moor.
Truth arrests