Chalice lighting
Taking the journey together
As we travel the paths that our lives reveal to us,
We are often not sure of the way, the distance, or the destination.
Nevertheless, we have each other.
We can look to one another for wisdom,
We can be grateful for each other’s companionship,
And we can seek support when we have lost hope.
What do we want from this church?
What do we seek from this church?
What is it that we want?
How do we plan to get it?
How will we know when we have it?
We light our chalice this morning to help guide our way.
Draw near
This is a holy place –
enter by the true and living Way,
draw near with true hearts
to consider one another
and the works of love.
Chalice lighting
Let this light remind us of the sacred flame of life that blazes within
Constant, yet ever-changing
Burning, yet never consumed
O inner light of soul and spirit
Lead our minds to greater understanding
Lead our hearts to love more fully
And lead our hands to create justice
As leaves flame
As leaves flame yellow, red, and gold,
then fall,
and flames and sweet aromas
rise from autumn bonfires,
so too we kindle our chalice-flame
in thanks for the season’s beauty
and the love that makes us one.
Chalice lighting
We gather as Unitarians,
old and new friends
Seeking truth love meaning
and deep connection.
We respect the integrity of our individual selves
Even as we are shown the inter-connectedness of all that is;
We light this chalice
The symbol of our open creedless faith
For holding
And being held.
For the light
Suggested tune Calon Lan (268G)
For the light of days remembered
which has brought us to this place,
and the light of love and justice
for the wider human race;
for the light which burns and blazes
to inspire us to our best,
and the light which in its fading
calls us to our nightly rest;
A safe and sacred space
The lighting of this chalice calls us to attention –
as we focus on its flickering light for a moment
let us recall the shared intention that it represents –
to make this a safe and sacred space for prayer and sharing
in which we can re-connect with life’s depths and our highest aspirations –