Closing words
The coming days
This appears as the Benediction in the 2023 Migration Worship and Resource Pack
God of our hearts,
Bless us as we part.
Be with us as we face
the quandaries, fears and puzzles of the coming days.
Send your peace among us,
And through all our troubled world.
May it be so.
Prayer after silence
Though we stand alone as the strings of a lute,
still we may quiver with the same music; and even as the
oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow,
yet they may share a garden; so may we stand tall and
united as the pillars of the temple, that the winds
Prayer of St Teresa of Avila Redux, non-theist version
Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing frighten you
All things pass away
Only Love remains
Patience obtains all things
She who has Love lacks nothing
Love alone is enough.
Glory Be, redux
Spirit of Life,
Source of all that has been, is now and will be,
Let us honour your Indwelling Presence
for evermore.
Spirits uplifted
May we leave our time together
with spirits uplifted
and hearts enlivened,
renewed in our quest for peace and justice,
ready to face whatever comes our way
with trust in the steadfast love of the Eternal.
Thank you for the stories
Written for the launch of the LGBT+ Unitarian Voices exhibition, 2023
As we leave here today, we give thanks for the many stories of our lives, and for all those who hold us gently while we tell them.
We leave grateful for the listeners, for those who sit quietly and give us the gift of a version
Benediction for Lent
May you be brought closer to your God this Lent
May your words, filled with love
Be as water to the parched tongue of the one in the desert.
May your actions, filled with good intent
Be as a pillow to one with only rocks to lay their head on.
May your thoughts of kindness,
May the love of God
May the love of God surround us,
May the peace of God assure us,
And may the blessing of God rest with us
Until we gather here again.