A humble haiku
Dear Poet of Life,
We offer up this simple haiku
as a prayer for difficult days,
when mistakes big and small get the better of us
and we regret our naughty ways,
when we struggle to find peace
and shake our heads at thoughts gone astray.
A candle burns bright
welcoming each one alike,
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall
We see barriers erected between people of different lands.
We see sheets of steel and towers of concrete called ‘Protection’.
We see boundaries policed.
Watch men, women and children running from hunger and persecution,
looking for a gap in the wall………
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall…………
We see walls of fear
Worship is a patchwork quilt
Worship is a patchwork quilt of people of different shapes, different characters, different sizes, different prejudices, different colours, different enthusiasms, different ages, different moods: all arranged, sometimes higgledy-piggledy, sometimes in arranged groups, sometimes half-higgledy and half-arranged, sometimes crazy.
Worship is a patchwork quilt of patchwork people, joined sometimes by one sewer, sometimes by a
We come together in this chapel from many directions, following a myriad of routes and roads of life, to get to this point.
From here we will go our different ways, in different directions.
May our time together for this hour, strengthen us, and our resolve, to travel the right road, on the trail of Truth