Waiting to be discovered

Spirit of Love that abides in all things,
We give thanks for beauty and grace unnoticed,
which lie like un-opened love letters *
strewn throughout our days…
awaiting a response.

May we be mindful of the prodigious gifts
that come our way.
Grant us the insight to see with fresh vision
beneath the surface of things;
awake to the miracle of the lit bush,
and the gentle cadence of healing
which whispers beneath the chatter of our lives.

Help us to remember that despite
the pain and suffering that haunts our world,
amidst the fractured busyness and distractions of our days,
beauty, goodness, and human-kindness
are always unfolding – around and within us;

Scattered like seeds – growing silently
without fanfare, waiting to be discovered
as we still our minds and open our hearts…

*Inspired by Walt Whitman’s poem ‘Song of Myself 48’: … I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then… I find letters from God dropped in the street, and every one is signed by God’s name….”

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