What is Christmas?

Candles herald the advent of the child of sorrows.
Twinkling lights challenge winter’s darkness and our own.
Green trees, red berries, tell of nature’s endurance.
Carols evoke praise and celebration and sweet nostalgia.
Old tales speak of magic and miracle and human redemption.

The sugared story of a teenager, pregnant out of wedlock,
of a family seeking shelter – and refuge from murder.

Stars in frosty skies that bring to mind another star –
which guided kings in homage to infant innocence –
and led another king, in selfish fear, to seek its destruction.

Merriment, fellowship and joy in each other’s happiness;
Deeds of generosity, kindness and so much love;
Prayers for peace and justice and the defeat of evil:
These are the things that are Christmas.

May God bless them and us and
a world that sorely needs this
season’s hope and promise.

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