Willing to try new things, a meditation

I invite you to close your eyes, and think of a time that you tried something new.  Maybe the first time you rode a bike, or your first kiss, or the first time you tried a type of food that you were convinced you didn’t like.  Maybe it was the first time you tried a new spiritual practice: meditation, or visualisation, or prayer, or elaborate ritual.  Maybe it was when you did something scary, like capsizing a canoe or doing a parachute jump.

Try to remember how it felt before you did it.  Were you scared, resisting, apprehensive, hesitant?  Was there someone there to help you get over your fear?  What did they do?  Were they supportive and kind, or did they push you into it – being “cruel to be kind”?

Try to remember how it felt while you were doing it.  When did fear change to pleasure?  If it did…  What kind of pleasure was it?  Quiet satisfaction or wild exhilaration?  

Now try to remember how it felt afterwards.  Did you want to do it again?  Did it make you more willing to try new things?  Did it change how you felt about yourself?  [pause]

Hold the memory of these feelings in your mind.  When you are ready, open your eyes and return to the present and your companions here.

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