Theme “Community”
Spirit of love and life,
Be with us in these moments, as we gather to do the business of the day.
May we remember to listen well, and speak clearly.
May we be present to one another, here in this time, as we are in our worship.
And gathering to do the business of the
Golden threads
We gather the golden threads of life and weave from them a rich tapestry:
The golden thread of common, everyday human life, speckled with small, unidentifiable little decencies;
The golden thread of human pain, and human pleasure, from which together each human biography is writ;
The golden thread of vision, and example set by known
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall
We see barriers erected between people of different lands.
We see sheets of steel and towers of concrete called ‘Protection’.
We see boundaries policed.
Watch men, women and children running from hunger and persecution,
looking for a gap in the wall………
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall…………
We see walls of fear
In this sacred gathering
In this sacred gathering may the joyful find space to praise….
May the inquirers feel safe to question…..
May the lonely find the touch of a friend……
May the singers be given a tune to sing…..
May the lost discover the way…..
And may we all experience the touch of the Holy in this hour.
Shared candle lighting
To the quiet beauty of this place, we have come, from many places and with many thoughts.
I invite you now, if you wish, to come forward and light a peaceful candle:
Either in silence or with just a few words to share a joy or a sorrow which you have brought with you this morning.
I look around this chapel today
I look around this chapel today and I’m glad to see you.
I can only guess how each of you is feeling today.
Some of you are happy to be here.
Some of you have had a rough week and almost didn’t come.
Some of you have sorrow in your hearts.
Others are celebrating a
Chalice lighting
We light this chalice, symbol of the Light within us and around us.
May this gathering for worship enlighten our hearts, and our minds, and our souls.
And may the Inner Light of the Spirit be kindled by our time together.
We join together now…
We join together now to worship as a beloved community.
Each individual brings to our gathering faith and ideas, but each of us also yearns to share fellowship one with the other.
May we look beyond any differences to the common bonds that unite us: Faith, hope, and love.
And may those divine qualities shine through our worship today.