Theme “Remembrance”
It is strange
How times change
What once was
Considered outrageous
Into what is now
When I was 15
In school one day
When asked to find a simile
For war
I said
And uproar then ensued;
I had failed
To see
How that would
To those
Who had
Peace prayer
Oh you to whom we pray
And to whom we give many names and none,
May our prayer be heard.
In our world there is so much conflict,
So much division,
So much hatred over so little;
The colour of skin,
The name of the divine,
The manner of dress,
Whether we are man or
No more poppy petals needed
Peace means not-war
Peace means no violence
Peace means we will have learned not to fight over disagreements
Peace means humanity will have finally grown up
Peace means kindness without limits
Peace means there will be enough plough shares to go round
Peace means equity between all people
Peace means trust and respect
Peace means