Opening words
Opening Words
Written to open the NELUM District Meeting 2024
Let’s take a moment to bring ourselves present to our selves, one another and the work we are about to share in together on behalf of our communities.
Let us be grateful for the fellowship and companionship provided by this group and the knowledge that we do not work
We gather at this time of harvest, to give thanks for the many blessings we receive, and to acknowledge the work which has made them possible. So much of our lives is disconnected from the earth which sustains us, and we pause now to remember its bounty.
Along with the bounty, life on earth meets much hardship. At this time of
Many paths one welcome*
Welcome to this table,
Whatever path has brought you here,
Whatever load you carry,
Let us rest a while together.
May our hearts be open to accept what comes to us as a stranger,
May our minds be open to wonder at what we do not understand,
And may our spirits be nourished by our
As we gather in this springtime of marbles and piracies,
hop-scotch and jump-rope, we look forward to the coming
summer – the lengthening of the days, and the warmth of promise.
But we remember also the winter just gone, and the seeming
barrenness of the sleeping earth, and we think too of the seasons
and faces
Friends, draw close
Friends, draw close,
And let no one be a stranger
under the roof of this place
where we gather in fellowship,
in friendship,
in joy and in sorrow,
and with love.
Sharing time and sharing thoughts
sharing quietude
(and sharing too in the happy noise of Hymn number …)
Adapted from words of Keith Gilley
Open your hearts
Open your hearts to the wonder of worship.
Open your minds to the eternal quest for meaning and truth.
Open your eyes to the miracle of creation.
Open your arms to the embrace of your fellow men and women.
Open your souls, and let the divine sweep in.
Gathering words, we come together this morning
Bring your hopes and anticipations.
Bring your joys and celebrations.
Bring your sorrows and lamentations.
Bring your faith and adorations.
Bring to this hour of worship, all that makes your life real and meaningful, that is may be blessed by communion with the lives of others.