Opening words
Opening words
We have made many decisions that have brought us finally to worship in this place. May our worship here continually increase our understanding of ourselves; and give us confidence that we can improve our lives and those of others by our behaviour.
Spirit of truth and life and love In our prayers and meditations today let
A prayer of concerns and joys
Spirit of Life, you who animate the Universe
Help us to remember the gift that is a human life.
With our consciousness and senses, we can touch, taste, see and feel
So much that is good, and alluring, and enticing.
Spirit of Life, some of us here today may be thinking of concerns more than joys,
The ongoing quest
We gather this morning to share a particular kind of community – a community of faith in which each of us is free to quest for our own ways of being spiritual and religious.
We gather this morning to think about how we have done this until now, and how we might do this from now.
A prayer to the cosmic christ
O you who animate the universe
You who are mother and father to us all
You who give us the blessing of life
You who live inside us and without
May we learn to see You in creation
And may we find in this a comfort
And a celebration.
May we find a name for you
Draw near
This is a holy place –
enter by the true and living Way,
draw near with true hearts
to consider one another
and the works of love.
Here to love
We are here to love –
to love each other,
to love our frail, wounded selves,
to love our broken world,
and to love its suffering people.
Let us worship so that
love will flow.
A prayer for violence fasting
Here we are asking
To be delivered into
Violence Fasting.
Supreme Love
With you tasting
A sweeter smell
Violence Fasting.
We are here
To care
Not fear
So freer Beloved.
We are life
Not gun
Not bomb
Not knife
Supreme Love.
Here we are seeing
The new breathing
Violence Fasting
Supreme Love
A prayer for Lent – beauty for ashes
Here in this meeting place where many others have been before us,
we surrender ourselves to a stillness of Spirit – a stillness of mind and body
that connects us to the Eternal Spirit of God.
Even though it is beyond our complete understanding, there are many things which speak to us:
In times of stillness