Prayer or meditation
Prayer for the Autumn equinox
In our prayer let us be aware of the balance in nature and in our lives. The autumn equinox is upon us, a time of equal daylight and equal darkness. The energy of the summers growth is in decline. The leaves are starting to turn, the grain harvest is being gathered in.
Psalm 122:6, Luke 19:42, Matthew 5:9
With the Psalmist we
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”
With Jesus we say,
“If only you had known this day the way that leads to peace.”
We pray for the peace of
Gaza and of Lebanon, of Israel and Iran,
of Syria and Sudan, of Russia and Ukraine…
We pray for the
A prayer of willing well-being
For all those suffering illness and loss
For those unable to say goodbye
For all those left with too much, even everything, unsaid.
I pray to will your well-being.
For those with whom we disagree sometimes strongly
For those who offend me often wrongly
For leaders even as they appear not
The year gone by
In prayer we look back at a year gone by. There have been triumphs, sometimes disasters and often periods of quietness and inertia. We have gained and possibly lost. We have promised and fulfilled, promised and not fulfilled. We have known moments of joy and moments of sadness. Our
Impatient to be away
A prayer to close a meeting
Impatient to be away now,
to move from the focussed space of this meeting
to the liminal spaces of transition and journey –
we have our minds on the business of leaving;
locating devices and gathering up notes
instead of dwelling in the moment
as we are reluctantly
reminded to pay lip
I am not here
A prayer to open a meeting
Although I’ve taken a seat at this meeting, I’m still thinking about what just happened in my journey to get here, so I’m not here…
I am not here
Instead I’m trying to remember which papers I have skipped and if it is going to be discovered, I’m trying to remember if
Blessing of freedom
May you know freedom
Freedom born of complete trust in God
May you know freedom
Freedom born of difficulties faced and conquered
May you know freedom
Freedom born of full knowing of God’s love for you
May you know freedom
Prayer for peace
We pray for the people of Gaza and Israel. The very thought that such atrocities can be justified and meted out to another person, let alone that the victims are innocent civilians, is beyond comprehension. Upwards of 4,000 people have already been killed, many more maimed and injured.
Dear God, in the name of all that