Prayer or meditation
Think of a time when you were lost,
A time, as a child, when you wandered away from your parents,
When you took the wrong turn and your surroundings were no longer familiar,
Or when you were in a wilderness without a well-worn path,
Or in a deep dense fog without a horizon or landmark.
The sacred in the everyday
This space is sacred because of the faith, hopes, and dreams of those who went before us…
This time is sacred because we have set it apart for worship…
And we are sacred because we all bear the imprint of the divine.
Divine Spirit, who turns the ordinary into the sacred, be
Words to lead into a time of silence
We live wondrous lives together, here on this little green and blue planet, with the awe and beauty of the universe above and below us, the miracle of life around us, and the magic of human consciousness within us.
Let us now quiet our consciousness and become aware of the stillness within…
Words before silence
We pause again in shared silence, that instead of speaking words from our mouths, we may speak love from our hearts.
… We share in that good silence which requires no words.
… We pause now in that shared good silence which requires no words.
… We pause now in that shared good silence which needs no words.
Night time
May the sea be calm for us,
The little waves sing a soft Goodnight for us,
The stars gently light the darkness for us,
The full moon heavy and low above the shadowy horizon,
Unroll her soft gold carpet for us.
So that we may walk quietly into the East of the morning
Inner peace
Let us be quiet in our hearts as is…
The still cormorant watching from the sunlit rock,
The tranquil sea fret stealing over the water,
The gentle wave caressing the shingle,
The sea campion motionless in her gown of white.
For these are the mute harbingers of a loving God…
And the promise of
Pilgrims’ prayer
O Spirit of the ages, who transcends all time and space,
We are pilgrims on the path of love,
Seeking light and warmth to carry us on our journey.
Like our ancestors before us,
We ask for your strength and your guidance,
Your protection and your care,
As we walk along this day.
Prayer for the Unitarian General Assembly
Eternal Spirit, we celebrate the unity and diversity of our Unitarian General Assembly, and the congregations of individuals it joins together in loving fellowship.
May we guard and cherish always, the right of religious free thought won for us by the sacrifices of past generations.
We celebrate the joy of being together, of