Prayer or meditation
Sunrise on a harvest moon shore 2
Sunrise on a harvest moon shore, is gratitude.
With the darkness and light of all that we are.
May a sun rise on a harvest moon shore .
Let every breath in be the beginning of our own life giving star.
Let this breath simply give on each exhale.
As does a sunrise on a harvest moon shore.
Sunrise on a harvest moon shore
Blessed harvest moon showers the golden reminders, of lapping waves and of our closeness to a nature we think we can control.
In darkness as the moon’s shimmer dances, embraces and entrances.
Let us be thankful harvest moon you have risen again.
Blessed sunrise flowers the golden expectations
Of hopeful light, even as we desensitise ourselves daily from the
Prayer, to accompany the hymn ‘a core of silence’
Prayer is woven into the fabric of all things, so we gather, not to form a prayer, but to give space for our hearts to offer the prayers which form in us in every moment of our lives: when we are alone, with time for contemplation; when we are together with our loved ones; and
We give thanks for life
We give thanks for life:
For fellowship and love;
For the songs of birds
and the beauty of flowers;
For the memories of people and places
long since gone;
For hope, bursting new each morning with the sun,
and peace coming with the close of day
and the end of a journey.
For all that gives meaning to existence
we give thanks
In freedom, hope, fellowship
Funeral prayer
As we leave this place, we shall extinguish the chalice flame,
and bid farewell to (Name)’s physical body; but we carry her/his spirit in our hearts.
May it continue to shine through us, now and always.
And so, let us pause together, in the fellowship of quietness, as we allow the wishes of our hearts to make themselves felt.
Small moments
We have gathered in this Oasis of Peace from many places, with many thoughts. We pause together now, to allow ourselves to settle into this place at this time, letting the cares of the outside world relax their grip.
As we take the time to reflect on our presence here, let us give thanks for all the small moments which
Calling prayer
Friends, draw close, and let no-one be a stranger under the
roof of this place, for we are all of one humanity.
We come to this quiet place of beauty from many different
places and with many different thoughts and feelings.
Let this be a time when we pause together from the busy-ness of
the world so
Let us give thanks for the blessings of our lives
Let us give thanks for the blessings in our lives.
Let us feel the warmth of family love embracing us.
Let us feel the richness of friendships, let us give thanks for the care and support family and friends give to us.
They are a blessing to us whether we gather them to us when we