I had my first spiritual experience at about ten years old, on a family holiday on Rousay in Orkney. There are few people on this wild island, but there is archaeological evidence of ancient human habitation in abundance. One evening I left the holiday cottage for the Neolithic burial chamber in the field nearby. I
‘Trust is something that must be earned’ is a common phrase, but if we expect others to earn our trust, we place the responsibility on them. We only take responsibility for ourselves when we give trust freely.
For me, trust is something that must be learned. This lesson has not been easy for me. My subconscious
I grew up in the Anglican Church, but the ‘sin and salvation’ side of Christianity never resonated with me. At school I became fascinated by the different approaches of world religions to ‘the big questions’ and decided to study Theology and Religious Studies at university. The more I studied world religions, the more I understood
Unitarianism is a creed-less faith. It is hard to describe my faith, beyond that it is a faith in love as our ultimate purpose. What I can tell you is what it means to me to be a woman of faith; how my faith compels me to try to treat others with respect and compassion;
Blessing for Beltane
This day and every day
May you know Love
Within and without
May the buds of your imagination
Blossom and bloom
Into ripe fullness
May you flourish and flower
Like the incredible beautiful Being You Are
The day after Good Friday
What was it like? After the death?
For those who had followed?
For those who had cared?
For those who had been so close?
For his mother, who had pondered the meaning of his life for so long, was it what she expected?
For Mary, his sister, who had followed him and loved him.
This day is warm
This day is warm
The air is still
Gone is the threat
Of thunder
And rain.
This day requires
A slowing down
A letting go
Of musts and
Shoulds and
This day
Is a day
To Be.
Today is a day
To open
Her good god
She lay
Her good God
Ravaged by
Her grief
The fragile cloth of her life
Torn and tattered
The tender flesh of her soul
Ripped and bleeding.
And the voice of the abandoned God
Spoke gently
Dropping still dews of quietness*
Into her fevered mind,
In the arms
Of her