What is it to lock
To shut away?
To preserve?
To keep safe?
To save?
But why?
To seal your heart from hurt
To keep everything inside
Safe and dying for want of freedom
I will unlock my imprisoned heart
I will throw away the key
Into some deep deep loch
I will free my
No more poppy petals needed
Peace means not-war
Peace means no violence
Peace means we will have learned not to fight over disagreements
Peace means humanity will have finally grown up
Peace means kindness without limits
Peace means there will be enough plough shares to go round
Peace means equity between all people
Peace means trust and respect
Peace means
Lead me from Death to Life, from Falsehood to Truth
There are dark and painful times
when I know a dying inside,
a dying of the soul perhaps,
when all my spiritual energy is drained,
when I have nothing left to give.
I need to find the strength
to move from these times
to choose life, to affirm life,
to begin to feel
once again fully
The divine embrace, viewed through a window
Written following worship by Julio Torres – Beloved Community in the Divine Empathetic Embrace and a meditation while Peter Flower played ‘Spring’ by Vivaldi on the piano. The rain was steadily and silently falling on the trees outside.
The Fingers of the Fir.
Evergreen, save the touches of
Injury from her long life, waved.
Moved, conducting
Psalm 23
A Version of Psalm 23 by Rev. Maud Robinson
Love is my shepherd; I shall not want
She bids me lie down in green pastures
She leads me beside quiet waters.
She restores my soul
She leads me in paths of righteousness for her name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the
Mysterious unfathomable Universe
Mysterious unfathomable Universe:
Inspirer of awe and wonder,
and soaring of the spirit –
There are times when the greatness of the Universe
seems cold and distant,
as a black night sky –
Times when my heart cries out
not for awe
but for embrace and consolation.
On days like
Honesty, inspired by the Druid’s blessing
May God bless us with honesty
And in our honesty with ourselves, wisdom.
And in wisdom, knowledge.
And in knowledge of ourselves, humility.
And in humility, acceptance.
And in acceptance of our limitations, trust in God.
And in our trust in God, courage to live as God wishes us to – happily, in love and
Blood of Christ: For Good Friday
“Our illuminator, Jesus, came down…
And he bore a crown of thorns. And
he put on a purple garment. And he
was crucified on a tree…”
– ‘The Letter of Peter to Philip’, 2nd/3rd century.
Blood of Christ,
shed for everyone.
Blood of Christ,
blood like ours, blood like everyone’s.
Blood of Christ,
blood of the