A solstice ritual, as darkness falls on 21 December
This originally appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8001
We gather at the winter solstice
We extinguish the old candle
There is darkness – the days of light are shorter, the night
is longer, the trees are bare, and the cold bites into us.
We have reached the low point, the midwinter point, the
longest night
When God was pregnant
when god was pregnant
her belly swelled up like song
’til she was rounder than the seasons of the world.
her legs grew larger than the questions
raised by wondering boys,
her breasts filled the emptiness
of one moment’s yearning for another.
when god was pregnant the angels
fetched cold towels and practiced breathing,
learning anticipation:
When the world hurts, a story for all ages
This originally appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8041
This is a story about Sam.
Sometimes, Sam feels really sad.
Sometimes, Sam feels really scared.
Just recently, Sam has been feeling
really sad and really scared .
Sam’s only small, and when you’re
small, you can find big feelings a bit
much to deal with.
We have many springs
We see the promise of Spring even in November. Spring, from
That promise is given to us more clearly in January.
And we see it in February, at Imbolc in the beginning, and in the middle,
when the geese arrive back on the lake.
In early March, the news tells us we are in
My mind’s eye Christmas
My mind’s eye
Holds tears and fears
Angers and resentments
Past and present .
My mind’s eye
Feels hope and acceptance
Acceptance of all this
Hope in experience
A past and present future.
My mind’s eye
Is no longer blind, I
Can see my role in the laughter in the pain
My mind’s eye is
And we call it Christmas
And we call it Christmas yet where is Christ?
So we have no workhouses, let’s take homelessness and food banks.
So we have freedom of expression and thought, let’s take mental and sexual and psychological torment.
So we have this fabulous increase in wealth, let’s take a local inequality and make it a global inequality
Confront darkness at winter solstice
This originally appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8001
The winter solstice, a celebration of the shortest day, when the suns seems to be standing still over the Tropic of Capricorn before turning to push its light and warmth back towards the north. It was a time for lighting fires to encourage the sun to
Blue Christmas
This originally appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8001
The stories rarely mention anymore
how badly Mary missed her Dad,
how as she trudged through Bethlehem she yearned
to hear his voice, which she knew –
it made her chuckle just
to think of it! – would be raised in fury
at the faceless innkeepers,