“English” language resources
Brigid’s Well, blessing for Imbolc
May you drink deeply from the well of courage
May the waters of life hold you
And carry you gently to the sea
And may you never thirst for Love
Blessed Be
Prayer of St Teresa of Avila Redux, non-theist version
Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing frighten you
All things pass away
Only Love remains
Patience obtains all things
She who has Love lacks nothing
Love alone is enough.
Glory Be, redux
Spirit of Life,
Source of all that has been, is now and will be,
Let us honour your Indwelling Presence
for evermore.
Spirits uplifted
May we leave our time together
with spirits uplifted
and hearts enlivened,
renewed in our quest for peace and justice,
ready to face whatever comes our way
with trust in the steadfast love of the Eternal.
A Samhain thanksgiving prayer for the elements
Spirit of Life, we praise and thank you for the element of Air: Great Wind, who blew our ancestors here from over the sea, bring us your inspiration, that we may know our breath is the same air breathed by our ancestors.
We praise and thank you for the element of Fire: Great Sun, who has
Serenity prayer, redux
Eternal One,
Grace me with serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
May I live one day at a time,
Being present, one moment at a time,
Taking the world as it is, not as I would have it,
Trusting that
Lord’s Prayer, redux, version 2
Our Father and Mother
Who are throughout the whole cosmos
Holy are Your Names
Your realm of justice come
Through the actions of our hands
And the desires of our hearts
Give us what will nourish us today
And forgive us when we miss the mark
As we forgive those who cross our boundaries
Lord’s Prayer, redux, version 1
Spirit of Life, Ground of all Being,
Holy is our earthly home.
May Love prevail in every realm.
May we be grateful for all we have.
May we practise compassion towards our selves and others.
May we learn to trust our inner wisdom
And in times of joy and sorrow
May we keep turning towards