“English” language resources
Thanksgiving at Christmas
God of our hearts, who comes to us
in the wisdom of the ancients
and in the innocence of a new-born child,
we come to you in thanksgiving
on this Christmas Day.
We thank you for Jesus:
for the Way of love that he showed us,
and walked himself.
We thank you for the stories of his
Prayer for peace
Prayer for peace
Eternal Spirit, we pray for peace in the Middle East, for the people of Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and wherever in the world war, strife and discord afflict and divide people.
We pray for a just peace everywhere, for the fair resolution of all grievances, disputes and wrongs and that just ordering of
As leaves flame
As leaves flame yellow, red, and gold,
then fall,
and flames and sweet aromas
rise from autumn bonfires,
so too we kindle our chalice-flame
in thanks for the season’s beauty
and the love that makes us one.
The path to easter
A responsive Lenten meditation
We kindle our flame of fellowship.
May it be to us a symbol of springtime’s
returning warmth and the Divine Light
that shines in every loving heart.
The Lenten Fast is with us.
We remember the wilderness days of Jesus:
his lonely struggle with the inner tempter,
with wild beasts for company
Chalice lighting
We gather as Unitarians,
old and new friends
Seeking truth love meaning
and deep connection.
We respect the integrity of our individual selves
Even as we are shown the inter-connectedness of all that is;
We light this chalice
The symbol of our open creedless faith
For holding
And being held.
A blessing of openness
May I be willing to have no opinion sometimes
May I be open to other opinions at all times
May I challenge and be challenged
May I fall into my infinite self
May I bless others as they fall to
May I experience all of this house our world
May I bless others as they
A prayer for violence fasting
Here we are asking
To be delivered into
Violence Fasting.
Supreme Love
With you tasting
A sweeter smell
Violence Fasting.
We are here
To care
Not fear
So freer Beloved.
We are life
Not gun
Not bomb
Not knife
Supreme Love.
Here we are seeing
The new breathing
Violence Fasting
Supreme Love
Transcendental thoughts
When we look at the world, there is that within us which orders the world, not simply observing it; an intuitive sense that transcends and comprehends the multiplicity we experience.
When we look at a physical object – be it a table, a planet, or a human being – we see its dimensions, its shape, its