“English” language resources
Samhain blessings for All Souls
The leaf colours endeavour to flavour the taste of the shadows before us.
The thinned veil delivers a shiver to embrace the lives of those who came before us.
All souls held and have held.
All souls held and let go .
May we be willing in holding to release too.
May our awareness of all that is shower a justice
Sunrise on a harvest moon shore 2
Sunrise on a harvest moon shore, is gratitude.
With the darkness and light of all that we are.
May a sun rise on a harvest moon shore .
Let every breath in be the beginning of our own life giving star.
Let this breath simply give on each exhale.
As does a sunrise on a harvest moon shore.
Sunrise on a harvest moon shore
Blessed harvest moon showers the golden reminders, of lapping waves and of our closeness to a nature we think we can control.
In darkness as the moon’s shimmer dances, embraces and entrances.
Let us be thankful harvest moon you have risen again.
Blessed sunrise flowers the golden expectations
Of hopeful light, even as we desensitise ourselves daily from the
Not of this world
This reflection first appeared in The Inquirer, 8033, April 2022
My kingdom is not of this world – John 18: 36
As we remember Jesus on this commemoration of his death we recognise that he stood for all of us and especially for those who have been unjustly killed, all who have died as martyrs for
Bearing witness matters
This reading first appeared in The Inquirer, Issue 8033, April 2022
On the evening of Holy Thursday, Jesus leads his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane. (Mark 14:34) Jesus says: ‘My soul is sorrowful, even unto death, stay awake and keep watch with me.’ Like the (above) Sufi call to witness and be fully aware of
As the deer is drawn to water
As the Deer is Drawn to Water After Psalm 42
Tune: Ar Hyd y Nos (All Through the Night)
As the deer is drawn to water, My soul to God. Yet in all the pain and slaughter Where is my God? When, the holy days observing, We meet darkness undeserving, Still we struggle on, preserving
What does church mean to me?
I was brought up going to church. I was taken every Sunday, week by week, sometimes once, sometimes twice a day. I never liked it. For some reason it was just the Sunday services. I don’t know why I was never sent to Sunday School, maybe the bus times didn’t work out. I couldn’t sing.
Prayer, to accompany the hymn ‘a core of silence’
Prayer is woven into the fabric of all things, so we gather, not to form a prayer, but to give space for our hearts to offer the prayers which form in us in every moment of our lives: when we are alone, with time for contemplation; when we are together with our loved ones; and